Sep 28, 2008

It's the start of something beautiful... Huh?

Argh, A blog to fill with wonderful articles... But what to say? It's hard to concentrate with 'Join with us' blurting out of my computer speakers, so I apologize in advance for bad grammar or weird sayings or proverbs that don't exist.

So, I'm the Naldo person your neighbour talks about, Naldo Florida. Nice to meet you.

So there you go, a nice pretty pic of me to accompany you in your solitary dreams every night. Hey, don't complain, If you're on my blog, you'll have to put up with my ugly mug, got it? =)

So anyway, I have a myspace page and lots of other pages just search Naldo Florida, and you will be sure to find them. i'm witty, well I try my best, and I'm fun to be with.
Argh, this is turning into a life story isn't it? At least I'm not making a film about it (AHEM John Malko-bitch..)

Anyway, I must go, Just enjoy my face while it lasts, ok? =)


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